25+ Memes To Manage The Monotony

On the subject of monotony, Judy Garland said it best;

«Playing on his slide trombone in a certain monotone
He was known as Mister Monotony
Any pleasant interlude that would mean a change of mood
Didn’t go with Mister Monotony

Sometimes he would change the key, but the same dull melody
Would emerge from Mister Monotony
Folks for miles would run away only one prefer’d to stay
She would come around and say,
«Have you got any monotony today?»

Most of us don’t want to be the girl who runs away with the titular monotony man. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what a lot of us do. Our lives don’t have much variety, and we fall into the same boring routines every week. But lucky for us, it doesn’t have to be this way. We can do little things throughout the day to break up said monotony! For example, we can scroll through hilarious memes to lighten our spirits. Maybe, you could even do that now! 

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