25+ Sci-Fi Memes for Intergalactic Geeks (September 18, 2023)

Who else remembers the Sci-Fi Channel? I believe it is now called «SyFy,» and I’m sure most kids these days know it as one of those streaming service add-ons you get a free trial for to watch a very specific movie. Well when I was a kid, the Sci-Fi Channel was a very special place where I could find the weirdest b-movies my parents would never rent for me in a million years. Whenever I found myself home alone, I’d watch whatever the station was playing, even if it was terrible (which it often was). If it wasn’t for the Sci-Fi Channel, I probably wouldn’t have gotten to see movies like the Cube sci-fi/horror series, or Maximum Overdrive, or Altered States until much later in life. In my humble opinion, it’s way more fun to watch a movie without any cultural context or preconceived judgements about it beforehand. 

If you like sci-fi as much as I do, then you’ll love this week’s selection of the best sci-fi memes.

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