25+ Vegan Memes for Nutritional Yeast Enthusiasts

I am by no means a vegan, but I am a vegan sympathizer. A veg-ally, if you will. I’ve gone periods of my life fully plant-based, yes. But I’ve never done it with enough consistency to truly step into my power as a full-blown vegan. People love to dunk on vegans. I’ve heard more vegan jokes than I would have ever liked to, and I feel like they’re all variations on one joke: vegans love to tell people they’re vegans. And sure, there are some out there that absolutely fit that stereotype. 

But there’s a silent majority of plant-based folks who are normal and not annoying. They’re just like everyone else, except they know how to read ingredient lists with an efficiency and precision the rest of us could only dream of. These memes are for those vegans. Not the preachy ones. But they’re also for us vegan-adjacent folks who love a good plant-based chuckle. 

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