28 Relatable Book Memes to Tickle Every Bookworm’s Funny Bone

Whether you’re into romance, sci-fi, or just love a good mystery, reading is a blast any time of the year. I mean, what else are you gonna do on a flight, at the beach, or when you’re trying to doze off at night? There’s nothing like getting hooked on a book, where you swear you’ll stop turning the pages, but it’s 3 a.m. and you’re still at it. Guilty as charged.

But you know what’s even better? Finding other book nerds like yourself. There’s no friendship quite like the one where you and your buddy trade book recommendations forever. My mom and her BFF are always swapping books, and lucky for me, I get to read them after my mom. Best deal ever. So, gather ‘round, my fellow bookworms! Let’s have a good laugh over these super relatable memes that remind us that we’re not the only ones who get way too attached to fictional characters.

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