29 Jazz Memes That Scoobidy Doo Be Doo Wah

There’s nothing like the sultry, saucy tones of a hot jazz band. It can take you to another dimension, one full of surprising changes and spirit-moving melodies. I’m no musicologist, but I could (and have) watch a jazz band do their thing for hours. It’s one of the most dynamic forms of music, and the atmosphere it generates is usually worthwhile. I love being in a crowded, dimly lit basement listening to talented folks work out their stuff. I happen to have lived in a few great jazz cities, so I’ve gotten to see some of the best of the best. 

When I’m traveling, I always make a point to go to the local jazz club. No matter where you are in the world, they usually have one. And music, after all, is a universal language. Memes are also a universal language, so here we find ourselves at a worthy juncture. Memes about jazz. Dig?

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