30 Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (January 15, 2024)

Who isn’t dreaming of another world right now? It’s so easy to get bogged down in the trials and tribulations of this life that it’s no wonder that we turn to fiction to offer us another way. 

What I would give to live in the universe of Futurama where going to a different galaxy is as easy as going to Phoenix and my best friend could be a hard drinking robot. Bender and I would totally chop it up, though his unrelenting alcoholism might start to wear on our friendship as the years went on. And I wouldn’t want to be operated on by Dr. Zoidberg, though I would love to have a beer with the guy. It’s fun to think about what universes you’d like to hop into for a day or two. It might make us all better, like traveling. But the best we can do for now is are these sci fi memes

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