30+ Memes Because Why The Heck Not

Why do we spend so many of our precious hours on God’s green earth endlessly scrolling through social media? It might be because it’s an incredibly addictive form of media that we can’t seem to quit even if we earnestly want to. Is it because it’s the only way we can connect with each other now that third places are seemingly a thing of the past? Is it because Twitter and TikTok are where the cultural conversations are happening, and if you’re not up on the latest trends, you are entirely unable to genuinely connect with your Gen Z coworkers? I have no idea.  I know that personally, I love social media because why not? Why the heck not? Is it a crime to understand Twitter discourse better than you understand world politics? Is it wrong to scroll through 31 memes instead of engaging with more serious matters? I think not. 

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