30 Memes That Take a Good Thing and Make It Better

You know the saying «You can’t have too much of a good thing?» That’s something I wholeheartedly believe in. I’m a believer that more is more, when it comes to friends, knick-knacks, and grated parmesan on top of my bowl of pasta. Sure, there’s such a thing as overindulgence, but I think it’s better to approach that than it is to deprive yourself of goodness. 

I sometimes err too close to the side of delayed gratification that I miss out on the pleasure of the moment. Like if I’m ordering takeout, I’ll often be halfway through the meal and think «I should save this for lunch tomorrow so I can save money» even if I haven’t had my fill for tonight yet. I have to tell myself, «Don’t let tomorrow stand in the way of now!» So with that said, let us enjoy these memes now, and forget all about tomorrow. 

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