30 Memes to Whip Us Into Shape

I am skeptical when it comes to most forms of self-improvement. To me, a lot of them kind of feel like they’re designed to condescend, or they just want to make a quick buck out of people who are unhappy with their lives. It’s not to say that the actual concept is a bad thing. It’s just that the phrase has a distinct flavor of MLM about it.

Also, not every single thing we do has to be about making ourselves better. We’re entitled to spend at least a small portion of our time just vegetating, and memes are testament to that. As well as this, there’s nothing to say that some memes can’t encourage us to do better. They might not all be listed below, but we can use that as yet another justification when we come back to look at more. Not that we actually need one, of course.

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