30 Memes With Which to Spend Quality Time

This holiday season, I’m all about quality time. We work too hard and sacrifice too much to spend our breaks with one foot out the door. It’s so commonplace to look forward to a vacation, but then spend it being too wound up to relax into it and enjoy the fruits of your rest. Classically, it takes about 3 or 4 days to really get into vacation mode and by then it’s almost time to leave. Such is the cruelty of our modern world. 

But what if we extended that vacation time… if not physically, then mentally? The 3 or 4 days before a vacation, I’m putting my brain is going on low-battery mode. Only doing what is necessary to survive, that way, when the day off comes, I can ease right into it. Work smarter, not harder. These memes help me get back to basics in this way. 

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