30+ Mildly Cursed Memes and Images That Require Extra Consideration

I am of the belief that the vast majority of entertainment content that is posted on the internet can be broadly split into two categories: the wholesome, and the cursed. It’s a rough way of organizing things, but when you start thinking in these terms it’s surprising how well it works. Much as all that is fluffy, nice, and good is nothing short of a necessity, so is the stuff that is going to balance it out. We wouldn’t understand it all without a dose of weird.

Thankfully (or regretably, depending on how you look at it), internet culture is more than willing to serve up to us everything questionable and cringeworthy. In case you needed further reminding of the current state of things, look no further than the examples below. We can always rely on memes and any adjacent media to give us the wackiest kind of reality check possible. 

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