30+ of the Best Harry Potter Memes of the Week (February 28, 2024)

Harry Potter haters always talk about how Hogwarts does not give its students a well-rounded education. It’s perfectly acceptable to thrust a population of 18-year-old wizards with barely a 5th-grade mathematics education into the wizarding world. While it is wild that the only math course at Hogwarts is an elective, the subjects taught correlate pretty well with courses taught at any secondary school. They take History of Magic and Ancient Runes; Some pureblood wizard kids even take Muggle Studies as an elective! Everyone knows that Potions and Herbology are basically science labs. Sure, Hogwarts doesn’t have literature classes, but nearly every course requires an absurd amount of reading. Hogwarts is best at teaching teens practical magical knowledge they will need to function throughout their lives, and that’s something muggle schools can’t consistently achieve. If you would rather take Potions over Chemistry any day, these Harry Potter memes might bubble your cauldron. 

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