30 of the Funniest Friends Memes of the Week (February 14, 2024)

Even if most of us won’t admit it, a routine is something that many of us need and enjoy. I believe that it’s essential to have a set time to wake up in the morning, a set number of hours to work every day, and a set hour to go to sleep. Without it, personally, I get lost. Whenever I have more than two days off I get kind of restless, and I find myself waiting to get back to my routine.

This time of year is exactly when everything finally settles in. We’re well past Christmas, but still a while from the next big holiday. Work has settled back after the start-of-the-year craze, and things get back to their rightful pace. And even though the grind can get a bit too much sometimes, I always feel comfortable with the routine of it all.

Another part of my routine I enjoy? Making this weekly collection of hysterical Friends memes for all of you to enjoy. So keep scrolling to give yourself the laugh you deserve. Once you are done, and in the mood for a funny story, click here for a story of a high school student who was told off because her bathroom breaks were too short.

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