Get Your Planters Ready These 24 Gardening Memes Sprouting Just in Time for Spring

I have a love-hate relationship with gardening. During my first couple of years living in a house, I was so lazy with gardening. What I didn’t expect was how much work it was actually going to be. I’ve helped my mom plant flowers here and there growing up, but meticulously pulling out all the weeds and grass that defy all odds by popping up in the beds year after year? No one prepped me for that. I was just complaining this week to my partner about how much my wrists were throbbing from pulling out all these tiny little weeds – apparently, I only use those wrist muscles when gardening season comes around. But there’s nothing like the joy that comes from seeing your beautiful flowers blooming and sitting outside in the warm weather, admiring just how pretty nature can be. I learned my lesson those first couple of years when I gave up on my gardening ventures, only to hit mid-summer and sit in envy of my neighbor’s beautiful plants. Not anymore – maybe next year, I’ll have to do some wrist workouts to prep for the season. But until then, I will keep complaining. 

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