30+ Pre-Halloween Memes for Those Already Pumped for the Spooky Season

We’ve had one week of September so far and you know what that means—it’s practically Halloween. Who made up the arbitrary rule that we’re only allowed to start putting up decorations when October hits? I say as soon as one leaf hits the ground, it’s go time. Sure, it’s still in the high 70s and I break a sweat if I’m outside for more than ten minutes, but let it be known that if I so much as feel a slight breeze, the skeletons are going up. It’s not fair that Christmas gets to start stealing Halloween’s thunder in the middle of October. Plus, if we get amped for Halloween now, we’d only be doing September a favor anyway. What’s September got going for it otherwise? Pumpkin spiced lattes? End of summer sales? It’s just one of those awkward transitional months where we’re all just waiting for summer to end. Let’s make it official and start celebrating Halloween early this year the best way we know how—through festive memes.

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