30+ Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of the Force (November 1, 2023)

The Star Wars universe is one of those universes with infinite Halloween costume ideas within it. It hits as a reference for kids and adults and everyone in between. The first Star Wars film premiered 46 years ago. That means if you were 12 when it came out (a prime age to see it), you are 58 years old now. That’s how old Robert Downey Jr. is. So from Boomer to Zoomer to whatever sorry generation comes after Gen Z, your detailed C-3PO costume will not go unappreciated. 

Walking around my neighborhood last night, I saw scores of Luke and Leias, a few Ahsokas, and one Nien Nunb. That kid deserves a full-sized candy bar. But Halloween is now over, and dressing up is best left to the cosplayers. So while you’re munching on all the candy you earned (or your kid earned) and feeling like Jabba the Hutt, enjoy this week’s best Star Wars memes. 

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