30+ Wholesome Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (October 19, 2023)

True story: one of my earliest childhood memories that I’ve been able to hold onto over the years is dog-related. Sit down and let me tell you about it. I’m not sure exactly how old I was, but I must have been around three or four years old. I was with my family at a friend of an aunt’s eccentric house in hills of Los Angeles and I must have wandered off on my own. I remember running through a beautiful, sunny garden and then discovering an open door to what must have been a guest house or maybe a little studio. It was dark inside, but I walked in anyway. I stared into the dark room, and as my eyes adjusted, I saw dozens of little glowing eyes staring back at me. I remember feeling absolutely terrified, but I couldn’t move—I was completely frozen. After a short while, maybe my eyes got used to the dark, or maybe some light from outside hit just right, but the picture became clearer: it wasn’t a monster, like I thought it was, but a pile of about ten pugs sitting on a day bed together. In unison the pugs exploded from their resting spot and darted toward me. I ran away, screaming and laughing. 

What’s your earliest childhood dog story? Here’s 30+ adorable dog memes to help jog your memory. 

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