‘The absolute state of the LinkedIn community’: Hypocritical CEO attempts to champion Gen Z by decrying rent prices and £21k salaries, offers similar salaries at his company

LinkedIn is a wild, wild place, full of high school classmates becoming junior analysts, CEOs performatively crying about having to fire their employees, and most of all, people doing the best they can to sound… good. We all know social media is fake, and everyone tries to put their best foot forward, but if Instagram is a fib then LinkedIn is a flat-out lie. Everyone on there is trying to look as employable as possible, which means using weird corporate-speak and asking your roommate to «endorse» your proofreading skills to beef up your profile. So as a platform, it runs amok. 

The latest and greatest example of that came from a media company co-founder who tried to get on a soapbox, agreeing how hard it is for Gen Z to get jobs (to win points on LinkedIn). But when a sleuthing Redditor dug into his company’s practices, he found some interesting information. Read on for the full story, which unfolds like a Curb episode. 

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