When I first watched Finding Nemo, I became obsessed with clownfish for a while. I asked my mom for clownfish toys, and she was more than happy to provide them for me. That fueled further interest in the ocean, and for a good few years, that’s all I could talk about. Sharks, seahorses, turtles… you name it.
This mother deserves the ‘Mom of the Year’ award because being the kindhearted woman she is, she turned to Reddit to ask for suggestions on how to make her daughter’s birthday party the best one yet. Her daughter was a bit of an ocean nerd, and she was absolutely obsessed with Angler Fish. She first saw them on Finding Nemo, and the rest was history. See the similarity? I feel like we would be friends.
Scroll down for the heartwarming discussion and the various interesting suggestions fellow ocean nerds came up with. Then check out these cool and awesome designs that involve splendid marketing.