31 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (March 21, 2024)

Back in the schoolhouse days, we were forced to spend time with our classmates. As an introvert who dreads group projects, forced small talk, and the occasional front-of-the-class presentation, this ‘socialization period’ in life was a prison. Whoever said we need to be socialized? 

Introverted people have been surviving for centuries on their own, enjoying the freedom of choosing their company (if anyone is ever actually qualified) and choosing the way they spend their lives. If that means we’re all going to live on a remote farm in the middle of nowhere or if we decide to be a castaway on a small island–so be it. 

Introverted people dream of the day that they’re never forced to converse with anyone else ever again, but unfortunately, the socialization experiment continues. So start shopping for a remote island or a big ol’ ranch, because it doesn’t look like all these people are going anywhere.

Be the main character. Choose your own adventure. And head into life solo and yolo! 

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