32 Memes That Are the Long and Short of It

Being able to summarize is one of the most useful skills you can ever learn. From dealing with an overbearing boss to managing an unruly child, it pays to keep your cool and put across your point of view in a few powerful words instead of spending your time and energy floundering. 

This is also true of memes; most people hate those hyper-specific image macros that try to fit an essay onto 1080 by 1080 (unless that’s part of the joke). Most of the funny tidbits we can find on the internet are all about economical humor, getting as much entertainment into a small space as possible without it being overwhelming. 

Most good memes try to give us a simple conclusion that is taken from many different references and strands of communication. For all that they are often dumb, that’s pretty clever! It saves us some time, too, unless it only encourages us to keep on scrolling.

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