32 Memes That Go From Good to Great

One of the keys to happiness is incremental change. You do something every day, and you see yourself improve. It can happen at the gym on the bench, in the kitchen on the chopping board, or heaven forbid, your job. Seeing ourselves get better, in whatever ways we can… keeps us alive. I remember when putting together a piece of Ikea furniture sounded like a daunting task. Now I’ve done it so many times that not even the most complicated dressers deter me. Just give me a couple of hours, a good soundtrack, and the drive to succeed. What does that say about me that I’ve done it so many times that I feel like I’m good about it? Maybe I need to invest in higher-quality furniture.

These memes have internalized this principle, and each one is better than the last. Scrolling them is a satisfying experience. I’m so excited for you. 

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