33 Inconceivable Princess Bride Memes to Rescue You From the Pit of Despair

There’s a shortage of perfect movies in the world, it would be a shame to damage the one film that made it out of the 80’s with just the right amount of cringe. With every other line of dialogue boasting a new one-liner, The Princess Bride has remained a tried and true movie in most people’s roster, even 37 years later. With insanely quotable quips, nostalgic energy, and a heavy pour of heroism, it could even be a favored movie– just for the good vibes. 

Still, Wesley and Buttercup put more on the map than just a perfect story: They were the first to delude us all into making mind-movies about falling in love with the farm boy who then dies, becomes a pirate, and sweeps us off our feet a second time. So for those of us who are still swooning over a three-word affirmation, I bring you the memes that are exactly as you wish. 

My name is Jesse Kessenheimer, you killed my father, prepare to meme. 

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