33 Random Memes to Take a Peek At

Praise be, it’s the end of the week again. While it’s kind of depressing to think about our lives as divided up into these arbitrary segments, at least we get the highs as well as the lows. Society tells us that it’s a time ripe for celebration, and what better way to do that than looking at memes? Seeing as you’re here, it’s the obvious choice.

Assuming you approve of this decision, we’re here to provide you with more of the usual images with an entertainment purpose. We’d like to think they offer just enough of a distraction for you to have fun, without getting so carried away that you forget that there’s more to life than memes. We’ve already made that particular sacrifice for you. No need to thank us, just take a gander at everything below. We’ll be back with even more of the same before you know it.

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