34 Childhood Nostalgia Memes to Guzzle Straight Outta the Hose (January 21, 2024)

We were there. We were there when the VHS became a DVD. We were there when child stars drew Mickey Mouse ears with a glow stick before every commercial break. We were there when tyrannical big sisters were the meanest characters in every cartoon. 

We. Were. There. 

For those of us feeling a twinge of nostalgia in our hearts as we continue to find grey hairs in our bed (who keeps putting those there?!), it’s hard not to think about the simpler times in our childhood. We’d watch cartoons on Saturday mornings and go ride our bikes with our friends. The only thing that really mattered to our parents was not getting kidnapped and getting home before the street lights came on. Nobody worried about ‘screen time’ and nobody was scrolling on social media. If your friends wanted to call you after school, they’d be leaving a message on your answering machine, preying your dear ol’ granny didn’t pick up. Life was simple and life was good. 

To relive those finer moments with this nostalgic set of memes to feed your inner child. 

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