34 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (December 1, 2023)

Introverts who are also dog owners are faced with a few unique challenges. While your pet may be inherently social, garnishing wholesome looks from the people all around you for being so gosh-darn cute, their goofy faces also invite strangers to approach you asking, ‘Can I pet him?’ As a neurotypical person, this social interaction is completely benign, but to an introvert, there’s a constant fear of dodging small talk with strangers when you’re walking your dog. It’s not the dog’s fault that they’re so invitingly adorable, but if only there were a way to keep other dog lovers at bay…. Hmm?

Perhaps introverted dog parents could learn a way to get their beastly golden-doodle to bark, faint, or froth at the mouth on command in order to ward off incoming socializing. But alas, their lil dog faces and floofy tails bring the attention of every man, woman, and child on the block and there’s nothing you can do about it. I guess for an introvert, they should consider a less sociable pet in their home… like a mean n’ feisty cat perhaps.

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