34 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (February 9, 2023)

After an introvert successfully recharges their social battery, they start feeling less and less like a recluse. We introverts might even delude ourselves into thinking we’re ready to be overtly chatty with the neighbor, but the moment we hear their doorknob turn through our paper-thin shared wall, it becomes crystal clear that our social confidence was only fleeting. Peeking through the peephole and gauging the volume of our muffled breathing against the door, it becomes painfully obvious that we are– and always will be –an introvert. 

So here’s hoping you can go into the weekend with a fully charged social battery and the deluded confidence of a happy introvert because when it comes to weekend plans, we’re always toeing the line between the urge to venture outside and the urge to stare through a ½ inch hole in our front door until the coast is clear. 

Keep on scroll if you need a quickie meme break to charge up before heading outside.

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