34 Pick-Me-Up Memes to Turn that Frown Upside Down

Feeling a little sluggish these days? It’s that time of the year where you’re either hit by hay fever, a cold due to the change in temperature, or just feeling sleep from the sun setting earlier. So you need a little bit of a stronger pick-me-up. The coffee just ain’t cutting it right now. So feast your lookballs on something we know and love very well—memes! Memes make you laugh, laughter and happiness boosts your energy, ergo: Memes are basically energy drinks. Why waste your $2 or whatever on a Redbull or Monster Energy when you can scroll the internet for free, LOL at some memes, and get the heart pumping that way? We’re no doctor, but memes are probably healthier for your than those caffeinated beverages anyways. Probably… Nobody can tell. Scholars lost the answer to it millennia ago… Or, ya know, just have a nice lil time LOLing at some memes below. 

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