35 Memes That Toot Their Own Horn

What’s the deal with the phrase «toot your own horn?» I mean, who else’s horn are you supposed to toot? If someone went into my secret room where I keep my horn and got their disgusting mouth germs all over it, I would be less than pleased. If you can’t toot your own horn, then how the heck can you ask others to listen to the toots? Can I get an amen? 

There’s nothing wrong with being your own biggest supporter. Being unconfident and self-effacing does little to perpetuate you towards your future goals. If you want to succeed on any level, you need to tell people what you do loud and proud. Sure, it makes sense to steer away from tooting your own horn if you’re trying to avoid the evil eye, but personally, I invite all ocular curses into my life. If you’re tooting loud and tooting proud, take a peek into these hilarious memes

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