35+ Memes That’ll Butter Your Biscuit

There are few things greater in life than a freshly baked biscuit. I’m no snob, I’ll take those Pillsbury jawns any day of the week. Sure, a homemade, flaky little number will also do the trick, but there’s something about those over-processed, easy-to-pop, peelable biscuits that hit the exact right spot. It’s actually a Christmas morning tradition in my family. We do biscuits, grits, sausage, and scrambled eggs. It might be the best part of the holiday season, and the biscuits are the cherry on top. Cracking one open and watching the butter melt on it, is like watching Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel. I rarely eat them at other times of the year, but perhaps I should rectify that. Make them a more year-round staple. I could handle it. 

Scrolling through these memes feels like watching a fresh tray come out of the oven. Careful, they’re hot!

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