35+ That Won’t Tear You Asunder

Remember when a while ago kids on TikTok discovered Kate Bush and thrust her onto the charts again? I guess it had something to do with Stranger Things. That was a weird time, but better late than never to the Kate Bush train. Running Up That Hill is an iconic song, and happens to be the namesake of this meme list. Inspiration can come from anywhere

It’s always a wonder what the kids on TikTok will find next. It’s always some forgotten song from the past, an old hit thrust into a new context, or a song that everybody knows and loves that’s been sped up to 10 times its original speed. The way that culture moves now is far too fast to get a real hang of unless you’re 12 and always online, something’s gonna miss ya. But that’s okay, we’ve got all you need right here in meme form. 

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