36 Memes That Nip It in the Bud

November is one of those months that gets a bad reputation. It’s the time of year equivalent of a pile of wet and rotting leaves — far away from the magic of early fall, and staring down the barrel of that infamous bleak midwinter. It’s true that it ends with Thanksgiving, but for many people this promises as many fraught family interactions as it does plates of delicious food. Also, it’s dark all of the time!

This leaves us with no choice but to seek even more respite in internet-based entertainment. No need to worry, the memes are here to soothe our seasonally troubled minds. There will come a time where we can’t blame our crises on the weather, but that can wait. We’ve got pictures to scroll past that will help us to ignore this fact for a little while longer. Sometimes, the best we can do is be in denial. 


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