Dad Joke Memes For Funny Fathers Undeterred by Teenage Groans

Dads are one of the funniest demographics. Sure, their jokes aren’t always cutting-edge comedy you’d see in a list of edgy memes, but they can always make the room relax with a quip or pun that Great Aunt Susan could never accomplish. Dad jokes are great because they’re the corniest things in the world. They aren’t shackled by embarrassment the way teenagers are, and they don’t take life too seriously like old fogies. Dads know that being a cornball is one of the best ways a man can be, and if he can successfully make his wife, teenage children, crotchety old folks, and little babies laugh, he’s got more talent than he could ever wish for. 

These dad jokes are for dads scrounging for new material, kids craving some cringe, adults wishing they could hear their dad’s bad jokes every day, and meme fans scrolling by already. Dad jokes are for everybody.

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