40+ Memes For Comedy Connoisseurs

Some people believe that a good sense of humor is either something you’re born with or not. While I understand that impulse, I’m unsure if I agree. I’m more on the «nurture» side of this nature vs nurture debate. I believe that if you have funny family members, grow up around funny friends, and watch funny TV shows, the likelihood that you’re going to turn out funny skyrockets. You’re a medical miracle if you end up unfunny under those circumstances. Humor is a social skill as much as an artistic one, and if you can make a complete stranger laugh, you’re already ten steps ahead of most people. 

If you’re a connoisseur of suitable comedic materials, it’s important not to fill your head with hacky nonsense. I guarantee that the following memes are of the highest quality. You can get your money back if they are not the funniest memes you’ve seen today. 

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