40+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (April 20, 2024)

It’s so fun to witness a trend cycle in its entirety. To watch a meme be born, watch it thrive, perhaps even participate in its proliferation, see its demise, and then if you stick around long enough, watch it inevitably return. To be on Twitter is to watch this unfold in real-time. If you’re lucky enough, you can watch a meme be born. It’s like watching baby turtles hatch on the beach and then slowly crawl to the ocean. It’s beautiful. It’s Mother Nature at work. It’s the lifecycle of all living things. 

Like for instance the Wonka experience story that took off about a month ago. I saw it in its nascency, and then I saw it soar like an eagle, away from the confines of Twitter and on to bigger and greater platforms. It was an honor. Now, I present to you a list of fresh tweets with that very promise. Watch them grow. 

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