A Bunch of Memes That Don’t Care About Impressing You

When you spend enough time staring at the internet as a means of entertainment, it’s inevitable that you start to get picky about the content that you consume on it. Gone are the days when we could look at some disfigured MS Paint face that said «Me Gusta» and let out a hearty chuckle. 

Jaded as we are, many of us gaze upon the plethora of different memes available to us and always find something to criticize. They don’t share our sense of humor. They are making some kind of annoying point instead of telling a joke. Maybe, it’s just they are completely dumb. 

While it’s true that there are a load of crappy memes out there, the fact is that they are going to exist whether we like it or not. The ones that appear in this list will not be to everyone’s taste, but what are you gonna do about it?

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