A Feast of Memes For Fervent Foodies

It always disturbs me to learn that there are people out there who eat to live. Sure, we all technically eat to live, but it’s insane that there are people who just don’t care about, or even remotely enjoy, eating. I’m talking about Maggie, the yuppie I met years ago who wished that she could power her body with a pill taken just once a day. More disturbing was the day I learned she was on an actual Clif bar diet for over a month. Repulsive. We haven’t seen each other in about twelve years, and I intend to keep it that way. 

Fortunately, most of the people I know are on the right side of society, in that they enjoy eating, and definitely enjoy anything having to do with food: television, movies, you name it. As a gift for these upstanding individuals like ourselves, we’ve put together this tasty selection of food-related memes. Bon appetit.

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