A Ritzy Arrangement Of Random Memes

Who knows where we’d be if memes didn’t exist? For most internet-literate people today, it doesn’t bear thinking about. If we used social media without the reprieve of dumb remixes of words and pictures, it would just be a load of people showing off, lying and yelling at each other. 

Being online is a built-in part of our lives now, so it’s hard to imagine it being any different from the barely manageable, meme-filled chaos that we live with every day. There’s always something new happening, and it’s frequently fantastical or frustrating. More often than not, it involves a hefty helping of different memes.

It’s this constant stream of information that makes us find ourselves here, looking for another hit of humor to give us that all-important hit of serotonin. Perhaps if memes didn’t exist, we wouldn’t be so dependent on the internet to perk us up, and it would be for the better. Then again, though, we wouldn’t get to scroll this list.


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