A Scraping of 30 Memes From the Bottom of the Barrel

Not every meme ever created is going to be the top level, amazing and memorable, laugh-out-loud kind. In fact, the majority of them kind of suck. Between the effort put into them and the message they send, many memes are the very pinnacle of mediocrity. It is part of the reason why we look at so many of them, because we have to use quantity in place of quality. A classic meme is something that could stay with us forever, but 99% of them fall well below this standard. We’ve just got to accept that most of the garbage that we consume on the internet is, well, garbage. We’re all pretty lowbrow, and there’s only something wrong with that some of the time. We may as well embrace all the junk and engage in some guilt-free enjoyment. Life is short, so let’s blow it scrolling mindlessly through lists of memes. 

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