A Selection of STEM Memes Chock-Full of Nerdy Humor

We owe a lot to the world of math, science, and engineering. If it weren’t for developments in these areas, we’d probably still be living in caves — and even worse, we wouldn’t know how to create something like the Hadron Collider. Thanks to the wonders of technology, many of us are allowed a decent quality of life that we wouldn’t have otherwise, and even better, it’s one of the primary reasons that memes exist. While those image macros which cater to these kinds of topics aren’t everybody’s first choice of entertainment, they’re a great way to vent the frustrations that come from knowing the kind of stuff that makes you look clever to people who barely scraped through Algebra 101. All these calculations have done some great things in their time, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t see the light-hearted side of them, too. It’s about time somebody took all those numbers down a peg. 

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