A Spoonful of Memes to Help the Medicine Go Down

It’s just another manic Monday. It’s raining, and the city drearily chugs along. The ever-churning grind of the workweek begins afresh. It’s easy to see a Monday as the death of the weekend. Especially this one, hot off the tails of Halloweekend, which is famously one of the most weekend-y weekends of the year. And now it’s over, and we all must hang up our wigs, wipe off the fake blood, and snap back to reality. But there’s also a tinge of possibility in the air. The start of a new week means exciting events waiting to unfold, a fresh opportunity for change, and another chance to do my laundry. Will I? Yet to be seen. 

While we wait for the week to percolate, let’s brew a fresh pot of java, take some extra time petting our cats, and enjoy this gaggle of memes that’ll make everything seem better. 

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