A Sweet Spoonful of Silly Meme Syrup

Do you even feel like you are living in Alanis Morissette’s ‘Ironic’ song?

Let me explain. For the past couple of weeks, no matter what I did, everything turned out to be exactly the opposite of what I wanted. I can’t go outside without the world turning against me. And yes, I know this sounds dramatic, but I simply can’t help it. Today I decided that I am going to get to the office 30 minutes earlier so that I can get more work done. I woke up super early and got ready fast so that I could catch the earlier bus. I was so proud of myself. But then, the bus driver made a wrong turn and completely changed the course of his drive. He then tried to make up for it by driving on obscure roads. By the time we got back on track, the entire time I saved had gone to waste, and not only was I not early to work, I was actually pretty late.

The only thing that made me feel better was creating this funny collection of silly random memes, so please scroll down to enjoy them as well. Once you are done with those, click here to read a funny story of a teenager who became a K-pop phenomenon by total accident.

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