A Tuesday Morning Treat of Memes

These middle days of the week are often the hardest to get through, at least for those of us who work full time, regular hours. Wednesday is both feared and revered for being the ‘hump day’, and once Thursday rolls around the weekend is almost tantalizingly in sight. This singles out Tuesday as the stoic oldest child of the central weekdays, bearing the brunt of all our frantic emailing and existential despair.

Yep, if any day ever needed some kind of remedy to it, it’s this one (Sunday comes a close second). It’s a good thing we’ve got yet another batch of memes to help in this regard. They might not be able to magically fast forward the calendar to a time that is a little less painful, but they can offer just enough escapism to make that seem possible. That’s all we can ask for when things are like this. 

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