Best «If I Text You» Memes For People Afraid to Share Their Real Feelings

Words are difficult. We’re exposed to them all our lives, and most of us are expected to use them every damn day, yet those situations where we find ourselves tongue tied can happen all too often. There are millions of words in the English language, but even the biggest chatterbox can sometimes struggle to put the appropriate string of them together to express themselves.

Luckily, in this day and age we have a nifty solution to any word-based woes we might have, at least if they come in text form. At this point, there is probably an emoji for every single emotion or predicament that we might find ourselves in. If there isn’t, there will be soon.

That being said, tiny pictures can’t completely replace the importance of words. That’s why the people of Twitter have decided to add some clarification to all those mildly obscure emojis that they share. As it turns out, they offer a great shorthand for some funny cultural references. If only we were able to get them without the joke being explained.

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