‘Burgers should be wider NOT taller’: 21+ Funny Insignificant Hills People Are Willing to Perish On

Listen, sometimes you just have to bite down your ego and agree to disagree in a silent matter and move on from the conversation. However, other times, you gotta buckle in to that climbing rig and let yourself stay on that hill the rest of your life because no matter how insignificant it might be to everyone else, it means a lot to you. Sure, maybe you don’t care about only getting one sauce packet in your drive-thru bag when you got chicken nuggets. But to me, that is straight up a sign of disrespect. What, you think I’m going to get these dry nuggets on their own?? Gimme more than one honey mustard, PLEASE. You’re most likely a huge wealthy company, you can afford to add a few extra free sauces. Like, the disrespect. Anyways, it seems I’m not the only one who feels this way—check out below form some funny insignificant hills people are very much willing to go down on. 

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