Relatable Memes and Tweets For People With ADHD

For the longest time I thought I was just a lazy and depressed sack of sh*t. However, after many appointments with mental health professionals, it turns out these things are just symptoms of a more significant problem: the ol’ ADHD. Attention deficit disorder seems to be diagnosed more frequently of late. Though I’m sure some …
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A Treasure Trove of ADHD Memes & Tweets That Hit Close to Home

It feels like more and more people who are well into adulthood are realizing that ADHD might be the real reason they spent years of struggling to focus, maintain hobbies, or even succeed at having relationships. Hell, it took 31 years for me to get diagnosed because I have ADHD and depression. Newsflash: ADHD isn’t …
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The Best ADHD Memes for Professional Procrastinators

It feels like more and more adults are realizing that ADHD might be the real reason they spent years of struggling to focus, complete tasks, and maintain relationships. Everyone gets distracted sometimes, especially when the internet is pummeling your attention span on a daily basis, but attention deficit and hyperactivity is debilitating on a whole …
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20+ Relatable ADHD Memes for People Who Forgot What They Were Doing

If you’ve ever zoned out of an entire conversation because the floral pattern on your friend’s shirt reminded you of the time you forgot to send your grandma flowers for her birthday even though you’d set up multiple reminders for yourself, so instead you spent hours searching for singing Elvis-themed telegram services online (since your …
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50+ Moody Memes & Relatable Things Because Life Is Pain

Today is going to happen and there’s nothing you can do about it. How effing unfair is that? If you’re the sort of person who will somehow get through a traumatic event without flinching but then burst into tears if your pen runs out of ink, then we’re pretty sure these painfully relatable memes for …
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23 Relatable ADHD Memes For Hyperactive Brains

If you have trouble following through with various unfinished projects that keep piling up, or you find yourself having to reread the same sentences over and over again whenever you pick up a book, these relatable ADHD memes might resonate with you. Sure, memes probably aren’t going to help keep you focused on the task …
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26 ADHD Memes & Tweets For Hyperactive Brains

Whether your ADHD turns any task into a monstrous struggle, or you’re pretty neurotypical but you’ve got a loved one who shows all the symptoms, anyone who really understands ADHD will find these memes hilariously relatable. Maybe you even ended up here through a series of rapid distractions. Hopefully you’ll be able to hyper-focus on …
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Stimulating Memes For People Who Can’t Pay Attention

Greetings. Do you remember how you got here or did you stumble onto this page through a rapid series of distractions? We’ll keep this short in case you’re one of those people whose experience of focusing is not unlike trying to hit thousands of moles at the same time with one stick in a game …
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