20+ Best Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd (February 29, 2023)

What better way to inspire yourself to pay a much-needed visit to a therapist, than humor related directly to therapy? Media has popularized ‘self-care’ to the point where it’s become a kind of trend — dubbed ‘therapy culture’. See, once upon a time, the word ‘therapy’ had a lot of stigma surrounding it. If someone …
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Cheerful Memes To Lighten Up The Mood

It’s essential to have little things that brighten up your mood throughout the day. You can’t always be happy; quick fixes won’t solve that, but they can help. I love to listen to unceremoniously upbeat music during my commute to set a good tone for the day. Even if I’m having a lousy day beyond …
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Memes & Tweets That Capture Both the Humor & Hard Truths of Living With ADHD

It seems as though an increasing number of adults in the United States are recognizing that their struggles with focus, task completion, and interpersonal interactions may have been caused by ADHD. Everyone gets sidetracked occasionally, especially when the internet relentlessly attacks your attention span, but attention deficit and hyperactivity can be totally crippling on a completely different level. …
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A Lazy Susan of Tasty Meme Morsels

Diets suck. I should know – I recently embarked on a weight loss journey with the help of a little thing called ‘Weight Watchers.’ Now that every food is ascribed points I’ve almost lost the taste for it. A bit of butter: 6 points. A wee cup of rice: 6 points. Cheese? Don’t even think …
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‘Am I the Drama?’ : 20+ Best Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Unstable Crowd (February 21 2023)

Therapy culture is now trending — it is constantly being popularized by different big names in media, and for good reason. Concerns about mental health have a longstanding history of eliciting stigma, which has been one of the greatest deterrents to people who were actually seeking help. As of late, it has slowly segued into …
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20+ Best Inspiring Therapy Memes/Tweets of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd (February 14, 2023)

Bah, Valentine’s day. Gross. Good thing my therapist is free today, otherwise, I’d be on my way to a bridge. I’m kidding, for the record. But passing the supermarket aisle with all that lovey-dovey stuff does kinda make me wanna gag. Let’s zoom in for a moment on therapy — it’s one of the few …
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‘Am I the Drama?’ : 20+ Best Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd (February 8, 2023)

Unrelated — but it’s freezing outside. Sorry, had to get it out there, I like to complain. How is it already February? Time is flying faster than a cheetah chasing after prey. I may or may not be sorely lacking in serotonin, but hey, that’s what therapy is for, right? Nowadays it’s a huge green …
Seguir leyendo ‘Am I the Drama?’ : 20+ Best Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd (February 8, 2023)

Random Tweets From the Minds of Twitter

Happy November, y’all. October was kind of a month. I’m sure a lot of stuff happened, but it’s already a blur. Kanye West was Kanye West-ing, Elon Musk brought a damn sink into Twitter HQ, and Halloween happened for what felt like a week straight. Those events are enough on their own, but we’re definitely …
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‘Am I the Drama?’ : 20+ Funniest Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd

How is it already February? It’s crazy how time flies, even when you’re not having fun. It seems like we’re not the only ones who have sworn to better ourselves via therapy this year — social media is rampant with this idea, and we’re honestly glad. The world could do with a little less crazy. …
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20 Mental Health Memes for the Unstable Crowd With a Case of ‘The Big Sad’

Mehhhh, it’s just one of those weeks where we wish that Saturday would somehow become our own personal groundhog day. We don’t want to adult — no more responsibilities, please! We’re in dire need of a nice long nap — or a vacation far, far away would work too. Just leave with an Irish goodbye. …
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