20 Mental Health Memes for the Unstable Crowd With a Case of ‘The Big Sad’

Mehhhh, it’s just one of those weeks where we wish that Saturday would somehow become our own personal groundhog day. We don’t want to adult — no more responsibilities, please! We’re in dire need of a nice long nap — or a vacation far, far away would work too. Just leave with an Irish goodbye. No more excruciating small talk with coworkers that is usually accompanied by stiff nodding.

But alas, we must make a living, so here we are… it’s been another long week of being tired, sad, and broke, but we’ve got the weekend to look forward to at least, and a bunch of memes to keep us company. If you feel you can safely say that you are struggling a bit with the whole adulting thing, and need some serotonin for the sake of your mental health, scroll down and check out these hilarious relatable memes.

You can also click here for some rad therapy memes.

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