‘Now try to dine like this while living off that country’s wage’: American Praises Healthiness of European Holiday Food, Starts Debate About if It’s Better Than the US

It is not controversial to say that the food quality in the USA is bad. All that corn syrup and a lax attitude to regulation and additives has not done any favors to the health of the average American.  At the same time, it’s not the only developed country that has a problem with food-related …
Seguir leyendo ‘Now try to dine like this while living off that country’s wage’: American Praises Healthiness of European Holiday Food, Starts Debate About if It’s Better Than the US

‘Not me being dramatic’: Gen Z shares what it would be like for them on the frontlines in the American military

serving 🇺🇸 while serving 💅🏼🫡

People Discuss The Most Risky Places For Americans to Travel

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the idea of traveling to North Korea. This was obviously before the case of Otto Warmbier, whose death led to the ban on Americans traveling to the country. This was more in the era of The Interview and the widespread fear of Seth Rogan leading to …
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‘We both have it wrong, as neither of us is anywhere near China’: British and American People Fight Over Which Country Has the Best Chinese Takeout

Another day, another argument between the loudest Anglophone countries on the internet. The UK and the USA have such a huge gulf of cultural differences, it’s almost like we speak a different language.  This is obvious even in what we choose to eat. Many Americans can’t make sense of the fact that baked beans exist, …
Seguir leyendo ‘We both have it wrong, as neither of us is anywhere near China’: British and American People Fight Over Which Country Has the Best Chinese Takeout

‘Go live in a country that pays service workers a livable wage’: Europeans and Americans Debate The Validity of American Tipping Culture

Tipping culture in America is pretty straightforward. If you’re eating at a sit-down restaurant, it’s expected that you tip your waiter 20% of the cost of your meal in total. This system is in place because paying servers far less than the minimum wage is legal and common, with restaurant owners assuming most of their …
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Friend Group Throws a USA Themed Party for Their Homie Who Just Became an American Citizen, Freedom Intensifies

Becoming an American citizen is a big deal. Despite the alleged «American Dream», for immigrants, it’s actually pretty tough to get your citizenship nowadays. So when a foreigner named Sharon became a citizen, her friends threw the most outrageous American-themed rager to celebrate… and costumes were required.  With all the Americanist stereotypes basically surrounding party …
Seguir leyendo Friend Group Throws a USA Themed Party for Their Homie Who Just Became an American Citizen, Freedom Intensifies

Self-Centered Times Americans Acted Like They Were the Center of the Universe

Every country in the world has its share of offensive national stereotypes. The French are rude, the British are stuck up, and Americans? Let’s just say that they have a fatal case of main character syndrome. The USA has a reputation on the international stage for making everything about itself. In one way it is …
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People Discuss The Most Dangerous Places For Americans to Travel

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the idea of traveling to North Korea. This was obviously before the case of Otto Warmbier, whose death led to the ban on Americans traveling to the country. This was more in the era of The Interview and the widespread fear of Seth Rogan leading to …
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American Girl Doll Memes For Samanthas, Mollys, and Addys Alike

I think I know more about American Girl Dolls than you do, genius, and I really do mean that! I was an American Girl Doll stan as a child, and even though I haven’t fully gotten to the adult doll collector stage of life, I wouldn’t be surprised if I get there at some point. …
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Literature Memes For Real Readers

As a former English major, I feel like I can easily scope out a «fake fan» of literature. I don’t care to do so on a regular basis because I have a life and a job, but put a so-called bookworm in front of me and I can scope out their vibe in less than …
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