Scammer ‘Head Tenant’ Gets Blasted for Letting Roommates Pay Their Rent

There’s no getting around it: most of the time, renting sucks. Landlords aren’t known for being the most helpful and sympathetic of people, and if you have to share with roommates, there’s even more potential for drama. Living together can easily make enemies of the closest of friends, and things can get even uglier when …
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Kids Amuse Twitter by Creating ‘Children’s Rights Society’ in Their Apartment Block

While there might be many bad parts to adulthood, it makes it easy to forget that being a kid isn’t always a walk in the park, either. Sure, you don’t have bills to pay — but you also have very little freedom, and a quality of life dictated by the adults around you. If something …
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Bleak «Shared Rooms» for Rent in Palo Alto Inspire Horror and Ridicule

It doesn’t take the misfortune of not having a stable living situation to realize that many cities are in the middle of a housing crisis. Renting an apartment hasn’t been this stressful in a long time, and some places are worse than others.  Many parts of California are notorious for their inaccessible rent prices, and …
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Horrible Subleaser Accuses Tenant of «Gaslighting» For Asking Him To Pay $100 For a TV

There’s nothing worse than having an impenetrably bad roommate. They refuse to budge no matter how much you ask them to clean or pay their bills. I feel like I could tolerate a roommate that is bad but owns it. Like yeah, they are never around and don’t do much around the house, but they …
Seguir leyendo Horrible Subleaser Accuses Tenant of «Gaslighting» For Asking Him To Pay $100 For a TV

Urbanist Memes For Public Transit Enjoyers

You can be many different kinds of guys as an adult. Once you stop being a silly little student (a nerd, a jock, etc.), it’s important to consider which type of guy you’d like to be.  You can be a wife guy or an open-mic guy, but one of my favorite types of guys is …
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Nosy Neighbor Gets Caught On Camera Snooping Through Woman’s Packages

How far is too far when snooping through someone’s packages? It is not uncommon for mail carriers to misplace deliveries, and you might never see your package again with one misplaced delivery. However, some people are way too comfortable looking through strangers’ things.

Dude Gets Dunked On For Proposing Housing Developers Start Building Underground

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that we’re in the midst of a housing crisis right now. Numerous major cities are pricing out many of the people that live there with extortionate and ever-increasing rent prices, and that’s only if there are enough places to live for everyone who needs them (spoiler alert: there …
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Apartment Complex Ignites Debate By Publicly Shaming Households Late On Rent

Realistically, most of us are only a couple of missed paychecks away from not having a place to live. It’s not a nice thought, but it is an unfortunate reality — one that some people have a lot more experience with than others.  Dealing with many landlords can be a prickly experience at the best …
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Landlord Removes Stairs From Building, Trapping Tenant in Apartment for Hours

What is it with slumlords who think it’s totally acceptable to paint over dead cockroaches or ignore ongoing requests to fix household disasters? There’s no shortage of landlords who seem to go out of their way to make the lives of their tenants miserable. @foodbattle2008 recently posted a TikTok video of what seems to be …
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Quirky Kitchen Layout Sparks Controversial Thread

It’s common knowledge that renting in a major city is a headache for everyone but the mega rich. There’s always going to be something you have to compromise on, and even then you wave goodbye to nearly half your monthly income for rent. It’s no wonder that people get very opinionated when it comes to …
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